Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Here's how to enter our Multimedia Art Contest:

Yeah, yeah, we know: it's cold outside and times have been rough. But remember when you were in high school and nothing could thwart your passion or contain your dreams? Now's the time to dig deep and access that inner teenager: Make something! Be fearless! Have fun! Prove to yourself and the world that you can't be stopped by sleet, snow, or cash flow. And tell your friends to vote for your submission. Heck, vote for yourself! Lucky winners will get to present or perform their submissions for Stupid Kids audiences during the final week of our run at Center on Halsted. Submissions are due by February 18, 2009.

Your submission can take whatever form you want (poetry, music, dance, visual art, photography, film, puppetry, performance art, and/or any mash-up of the above!) and must address the perils of high school and young love. It also must include, in some manner, the words "stupid kids."

Most importantly, have fun and be creative.

Guidelines and winning information:

  • Submissions must be under 2 pages/2 minutes long
  • Submissions may be collaborative
  • You must be high school aged or older to enter
  • Winners receive the opportunity to perform/display work at one of the performances of Stupid Kids during the final week of the run (March 4-8) at Center on Halsted in Chicago. In addition, winners receive 2 free tickets to the Stupid Kids performance the night their work is featured and some sweet swag from Time Out Chicago!

Email submissions to aboutfacetheatre@gmail.com by Wednesday, February 18th. Please put "Stupid Kids contest submission" in the subject line

Submissions can be web links or files (small ones, please)
Text can be in a word doc or in the body of an email
Photos can be jpg, jif, bmp, and png images, no larger than 8MB
Video/Music can be AVI, MPEG, QuickTime, Real and Windows Media, no larger than 100MB

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