Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Memory Mania #2

One really stupid thing about being 13, besides getting gigantic turquoise glasses, my first bra and a huge black eye the summer before 7th grade started, were these "Middle School" dances once a month at the YMCA. It was our big chance for the girls to stand on one side of the room and the boys to stand on the other, as these rituals go.

No one danced to fast songs...ever.

The cool girls, of which I was not one, with their big bangs, stone-washed jeans and Eastland shoes, were always asked to slow dance. I was only asked to slow dance once. Some cool boys dared this other cool boy to ask very uncool, very adolescent me with my turquoise glasses to dance to this song:

And until I found out from the cool girls that he had asked me on a dare, this song was my favorite.

And because this same boy years later asked me out and I said no, it still kind of is my favorite.

The lesson in all this? The magical r&b stylings of Bonny Brown transcend the stupid kids.

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