Friday, December 5, 2008

Memory Mania #6

February 12th, 2003 - My Live Journal Post

Anyways.. it is getting closer to Valentines Day, and I am very sad that it is coming. I am going to dress in all black and boycott. I just wnat someone to hand me flowers, and a box of choclates and be like "Be my valentine". Although I do have a few ppl in mind that I would like to say that to me, anybody would be fine. You know what does make me happy though, David finally seccumbed (is that how you spell that word?)to the fact that he is going to prom with me, and that makes me happy. I know prom is like miles and miles away! But whatever, but yah. Anyways... back to valentines day, I mean how cool would it be to get an anonymous letter that says "I have the biggest crush on you" and flowers. I would cry, and be the happiest person in the world, but no... blah... I cannnot believe that Clay didnt win in American Idol. Blah.. you know I probably should be doing homework. Back to Valentines Day, I guess I am just jealous that everyone has someone, and I dont. Blah... well... I sorta do.. but not really... I dunno.. Life is confusing! Blah.. I just sorta hate life right now, and of course Valentines Day has to fall in the middle of it all.. Eck! Thats how I feel... yah.. anyways.. on other topics.. Hmmm.. Im tired.. so I think that I might go to bed... You know.. sleep.. thats a good thing.. I havent been getting barely any of that lately.. Thats probably why I am sooo grumpy... Anyways.. one more thing.. Elly K. is on crack because we are being tested on 4 chapters! 2 days of tests... blah.. and I have a project for Randy... blah.. tomm is going to be a bad day.. I can already tell.. well.. this is a really long entry.. and I am done now.. Over and out

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