Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Here's how to share your Stupid Kid Stuff

It's easy, we swear. Submit stupid and embarrassing stuff from your high school years: photos, anecdotes, old love letters, journal entries…whatever!

Send your stupid stuff, and a caption if you’d like, to aboutfacetheatre@gmail.com. Please make the subject line Stupid Kid Stuff so we know what we're looking at. As long as we deem your stuff appropriate, we'll post it. If you would like to be credited, that’s cool. If you don’t want to, that’s cool too.

Photos can be a file or from the web. They can be jpg, gif, bmp and png images, no larger than 8MB.

Video, if you want to be really fancy, can be AVI, MPEG, QuickTime, Real & Windows Media, no larger than 100MB.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

stupid kid stuff, attended a performance of stupid kid last night{03/14/09}Enjoyed the show! Made me think of many things. Considering the topic, I was a little suprised that in the choice of music as much as I love Patti Smithe, that you did not include music from Jimmy Summerville{Bronski Beat/Communards}paticularly"Small Town Boy. Thanks, Mike Laridon