Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Stupid Kids
Every high school has those kids that are constantly getting into accidents and getting hurt. I, unfortunately, am one of the many. Being into sports can always have consequences in the long run. Swimming and taekwondo is an interesting combination of sports to choose from, but that’s just who I am. No basket ball, soccer, or the most ridiculous, cheerleading for me. I prefer to stick with sports that can help a person gain self-confidence.
In the past year, I have put myself on crutches at lest three times, and have been forced to where knee and ankle braces constantly. Just recently, I have had surgery on my hip for tearing something; I can’t quite remember the name. Stuck on crutches for about a month, getting around school is not the greatest thing in the world. Sure, you get to ride in the elevator, but then there are the ramps in our school that lead to the second floor.
Making my way down the ramps, I try to go slowly. My eyes dart from side to side to make sure I don’t slip on food droppings or spilled drinks. I start to move faster and faster as the ramp’s incline increases. I hit level ground at last and lean against the wall. My friend walks up and grabs my crutches. “Can I play with them?” She asks. I told her it was ok as long as she didn’t break her neck while doing it.
Hopping and spinning around in the hall she pretends she is a fabulous acrobat. At first she seems to be doing really well, but everything has to come to an end at some point. One of the crutches lands in a pile of spilled mashed potatoes, and down she goes to the floor. Unfortunately, someone had spilled their entire lunch on the ground behind her, and she landed in it. She got up slowly and carefully, while I watched. I was just trying to fight back the laughter. She turned around, only to find food covering her rear end. Her clothes were disgusting, her hair was a tangled mess, but she was alright. My crutches were too, if you were wondering. As our eyes met we broke out in laughter. I told her to be careful, but do any high school students do? Walking to the nurse was the best part. Kids stared as we walked by. Some whispered and others snickered. I don’t think it was the sight of the food covered girl that did it either. I think it was my friend’s strange humor. After she fell, she grabbed a piece of paper and pasted it on back. “I’m a dirty dancer.” It read in big bold lettering. That was great, I thought. Such a stupid situation had occurred, and she had to make even funnier. That’s just another high school clown for you though.

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