Thursday, February 12, 2009


“What Stupid Kids?”

Why are these adults having us write about stupid moments we had or are having? What point are they trying to show the future generations of America? That we are at a clumsy, unintelligent age? I think that this assignment should have been writing about a moment in one’s childhood, when you realized that you were growing more mature and less awkward. Had the assignment been changed to this, I would have written about a time at Kanakuk, a Christian athletic camp, in which I realized what it truly meant to be Christian. When this happens, you go to the main office to ring a large bell that tolls across the entire camp, sending the message to everyone that a new Christian has accepted Jesus Christ as his/her savior. At first I thought it was just going to be fun to ring the bell, but as my week at the camp bore on, I realized that it was more than just ringing the bell, because the bell itself was insignificant. It was what the bell symbolized that was important. When I rang the bell, for the true meaning, not just to ring it, I felt that I matured that instant and became more of a man because of it. That was in 7th grade, and I still feel that way.

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