Wednesday, February 11, 2009



It was supposed to be a normal night out. But no, Belle (a girl with a boy’s name-don’t ask) had to invite her knew “project.” Her name is Marianne and, trusts me, it wasn’t my idea. Belle is forever adopting “projects.” I know because I was a project; however with me things didn’t turn out as planned. I have this thing about doing whatever the hell I want whenever the hell I want. It drives my mother crazy, but hey, I’m 16. I know what I’m doing. I’ll agree with you that most teenagers are just a bunch of stupid kids, but I assure you I’m not like them. Really. You see, the life of your basic teenager revolves around getting cool clothes, looking hot, getting a hot boyfriend/girlfriend and being popular. Not my life. I’m not saying I don’t care about those things, I just don’t think they’re that important. My thing is about seeing the world, seeing stuff I’ve never seen and doing stuff I’ve never seen. And I will…soon. You see, I’m going away for college. I’m going to be on my own and continue my trend of doing whatever the hell I want whenever the hell I want, but without the parental intrusion. But I digress.

So the three of us go out, and of course everything that could go wrong goes wrong. First of all, the temperature that night is like 40 degrees. It’s Miami, Florida! Miami! And of course, we’re by the water so it’s windy and it feels colder than it actually is. And did I mention we’re in MIAMI! Anyway, we were supposed to meet Belle’s new boyfriend, who of course didn’t show. Not to mention Cujo (my friend, a guy) showed up late and then only stayed for a short time (bummer). So now I’m stuck with Marianne (Belle was busy trying to find her guy). Marianne, who is the complete opposite of me. We have nothing in common and nothing to talk about. Ok, maybe not nothing to talk about. We actually discussed some books. It turns out we both like to read mysteries, so I guess we have one thing in common. So, it really wasn’t that bad…but it wasn’t great.

After hours of waiting, Belle finally gives up (thank God) and we head out to get something to eat. OK, so now we’re on the highway, Belle’s mom is driving. We’re about to get off the highway at an exit we have used since as long as I can remember. We’ve never had a problem on this exit ramp. Of course, that was before Marianne. WE ALMOST DIED! Belle’s mom somehow took the turn to fast or something. Whatever it was, we almost crashed into the cement barrier. It was crazy. I saw my whole life flash before my eyes…it wasn’t very interesting (bummer).

We FINALLY make it to the restaurant (you’d be surprised how ravenous waiting out in the cold and then almost dying can make you). We’re in the restaurant, having our food, minding our own business. But remember, Marianne is with us, so it’s just a matter of time. Just as we finish ordering our desserts, we hear a thunderous CRASH. Some idiot threw a rock at the glass wall of the restaurant. The glass wall only a few feet from where I was sitting! I almost died…again!! (Ok, I wasn’t that close, but you never know.) I’m telling you, I’m never hanging with Marianne again!

I can’t believe I’m graduating. I’m really excited about leaving home and going away to college (I told you I’d do it). It’s not all perfect. I’m really going to miss Belle, and of course Marianne. What? Yeah, yeah…I know, I know. But let me explain. I’m not saying the girl isn’t jinxed (I can’t recall a time we went out and something didn’t go wrong). And I wasn’t wrong about us being complete opposites, because we totally are. But I was wrong about the other stuff. It turns out we have a lot in common despite how different we are. Not to mention she’s wicked smart and kind of funny (sometimes). And she’s a good balance for Belle and I (Belle can get pretty emotional and I tend to be overly dramatic at times (if you knew my dad, you’d see where I get it). Anyway, it turns out we’re a good combination. Our teachers have taken to calling us the Three Graces. We’ve become inseparable. Actually, lately I’ve been spending more time with Marianne than Belle. Belle has yet another boyfriend and she’s been spending a lot of time with him. Marianne and I have taken to sharing books and music (she’s been on this weird 1950s and 1960s kick). Anyway, it’s gonna suck not hanging with them but I’m sure they’ll visit and I’ll see them when I come home on holidays. So, it’s all good. And who knows, maybe now I’ll take on some “projects” of my own. (God help us all!)

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