Thursday, February 12, 2009


Undeniably Me

“Wooooooah! I never meant to brag! But I got him where I want him now! Woooah it was never my intention to brag! To steal it all away from you now!” Yes, it is nice to wake up to your favorite song every morning…but that doesn’t mean that mornings are any easier. I groan as I realize the day has begun, remembering everything and everyone I have to put up with. Awesome.

I stumble to turn on the light as I am instantly blinded by its uncomfortable glow. With my eyes closed I find my outfit I had picked out the night before, as I pull the chiffon top over my bed head. I then stroll down the cold hallway to my bathroom and OW!! There’s a door in front of it. For got about that. I glace at the clock and realize there is no time to make myself look “pretty”, because I have a stupid bus to catch.

With my infuriating mother yelling after me to pay attention in class I sprint down the street and climb on the fart reeking bus. My best friends are there to greet me, but calling it a greeting is lying because all we can manage to do it smile. I shove my headphones in my ears and check out for a while as the bus shakes and wheezes on to Shawnee mission wonderful. Then bus stops after a while, and I peel open my eyes, as I mumble a string of curse words. We all get off the bus and walk into the fiery hell hole, as my eyes fall on a few couples cuddling by lockers. Ugh. I finally reach the fith floor, where all the sophomores are, and my friend goes to her boyfriend for their morning hello. Honestly I would rather die than put up with this. Being one of the only single people in my large group of friends is incredibly degrading on many levels. Everybody has a somebody, but the fugly me. This fact eats at me in a way that’s not normal, and makes me desperate, and tear up. “Carly, are you ok?” my annoying friend asks. Crap. “Yeah dude I’m fine…just didn’t do any homework.” Which was true but would never bring me to tears. “ You sure? Its not good for you to bottle things up. Remember what happened last time?” Memories of me screaming into a pillow, sobbing, hitting things and shaking on the floor flash through my head. I shudder at the fact that I might just be crazy. “ I know…but I’m gonna be late. See ya.”

I run to my first hour and sit down in my study skills class. They don’t teach you study skills at all. Its just a study hall for kids who have an IEP and need “extra help” as the aggravating paras called it. Whatever just tell me I’m stupid, it would save me a lot of worry. After 10 seconds of sitting down, a para lady marches over to me and shoves a piece of paper in my face of all the stuff I’ve failed in the past week. “Work harder!” she scream whispers. “Certainly” I say with a smirk. Nothing bugs me more than having an IEP and have paras in the majority of my classes. Once again for “extra help.” Yeah I am a little spacey and have to take ADD medication but am I a mentally disabled person? I don’t know for sure, but I know I’m not sever.

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