Thursday, February 12, 2009


Stupid Kids

There was once a boy in suburban Kansas who absolutely loved snow days. He craved the activities he would engage in on these particular days. He would usually do the typical things most other 6th graders would at that time. He would have snowball fights, or just throw snowballs at random people walking on the streets, or he would make snow angels. He would also make a snowman with his friends with the available chunks of snow he could form into a round ball. He would also participate in neighborhood Football games, where he was fortunate to not get frostbite, for he never dressed warm enough for the occasion. He always came home from these games completely red and shivering. This boy, named Andrew, was just your average 6th grader in a suburban area, who was as normal as can be. Until one incident changed his reputation.

There was a large hill just a couple blocks away from Andrew’s house. It sat next to a Lowe’s Home Improvement Store, and coined the phrase “Lowe’s Hill”. He and his friends would always meet up and climb up the hill, and go sledding down it. Usually, they would do tricks like spinning, or jumping off in the middle of the descent. On this day, Andrew made up his mind that he wanted to race his friends down the hill. As it turned out, the results of this decision were painful. Andrew was winning by a wide margin when he looked to his side, and the next thing he knew, boom, he hit an electrical box, serving as an obstacle to this prestigious event, on impact, and he felt the pain instantly. “Ouch, my leg!”, shouted Andrew in disbelief. And the area around him was suddenly a bloody red and then reality hit him. He had broken his nose and it wasn’t going to stop bleeding anytime soon. He was too embarrassed to do anything at the time, but he needed medical attention soon.

One of his friends was able to call his mother and she picked him up to go to the hospital. The doctor diagnosed him with a fractured leg and obviously a broken nose. He was to miss 2 days of school in recovery, that way he didn’t look like a reincarnation of Frankenstein in front of all his friends. Andrew was excited about this. He got to sit at home and play videogames for 2 whole days and have his mom pamper him with food and anything he wanted. He felt a sense of embarrassment, but he was truly thankful for the opportunity to miss school, outweighing the consequences and shame in breaking his nose. Now, he had a story to tell. Something that most 12-year olds don’t get to do too often, and he was now in the infamous club of stupid kids, at least for the time being.

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